“What’s the best thing I can do to improve my health and well-being?” Answers abound as health trends come and go—the latest diet, megavitamin, or no-sweat workout promises to hold the key.
But the foundation of good health is simple: very deep rest. Deep rest neutralizes stress and fatigue. It revitalizes and rejuvenates the mind and body. However, in order to keep up with the hectic pace of life today, rest is usually the first thing that people cut back on. In fact, about 10% of Indian are plagued with life-interfer
The Param Pranyog provides a unique state of profound rest that naturally dissolves deep-rooted stress and fatigue. During a 20-minute session of the PARAM PRANYOG technique, the mind settles deep within and experiences finer and finer states of thought until it “transcends” thought and experiences its own source—a state of pure awareness and quietness within. As the mind settles, correspondingly the body relaxes and the breath becomes soft. According to research, the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the body’s stress response, quiets down. As a result, stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are reduced..
The PARAM PRANYOG is relaxing, but it is much more. It is a unique combination of deep relaxation along with expanded awareness. This state of “restful alertness” sets the PARAM PRANYOG apart from other relaxation techniques and tension taming activities like exercise or music. After meditation, PARAM PRANYOG meditators report they feel calm, clear and energetic, much like you feel on your best days. The PARAM PRANYOG can help create that experience throughout the day, every day. From better health to personal growth
The health benefits of the PARAM PRANYOG begin with your first meditation and accumulate over time. With regular meditation, the body eliminates not just daily tensions, but deep-seated stresses that may have been causing poor health. Research indicates the PARAM PRANYOG actually slows the aging process making meditators look and function younger than their years. Interestingly, the more years the subjects meditated, the greater the reduction in their biological age.
Unfortunately, you are in good company. A adults have a diagnosable anxiety disorder. Most of the rest are worriers.